个人简介:黄俊兵,汉族,重庆大足人,1984年11月生,教授,博士生导师。近年来以第一/通讯作者在Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,Energy,Energy Economics,Energy Policy,Technological Forecasting and Social Change,Journal of Cleaner Production,China Economic Review,Economic Modeling,Journal of Environmental Management等本领域相关知名SCI/SSCI期刊发表学术论文50余篇。论文共计被引用近2000余次,其中10余篇论文入选了ESI高被引论文。曾主持国家自科面上、教育部人文社科等省部级及以上项目3项,本人也曾连续两年入选爱思唯尔中国高被引学者、四川省学术带头人后备人选等。
[1] 通讯作者:Digital divide and household energy poverty in China. Energy Economics 119: 106543.
[2] 通讯作者:The role of population agglomeration played in China's carbon intensity: A city-level analysis. Energy Economics 114: 106276.
[3] 第一作者:Identifying the role of green financial development played in carbon intensity: Evidence from China. Journal of Cleaner Production 408:136943.
[4] 第一作者:Effect of technological progress on carbon emissions: New evidence from a decomposition and spatiotemporal perspective in China. Journal of Environmental Management 274: 110953.
[5] 第一作者:The effect of energy patents on China's carbon emissions: Evidence from the STIRPAT model. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 173:121110.
[6] 第一作者:Energy-saving R&D and carbon intensity in China. Energy Economics 98: 105240.
[7] 第一作者:Domestic R&D activities, technology absorption ability, and energy intensity in China. Energy Policy 138:111184.
[8] 第一作者:The effect of technological factors and structural change on China's energy intensity: Evidence from dynamic panel models. China Economic Review 64:101518.
[9] 第一作者:Energy intensity and energy-specific technological progress: A case study in Guangdong province of China. Renewable Energy 184:990-1001.
[10]第一作者:Energy technology of conservation versus substitution and energy intensity in China. Energy 244: 122695.